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Monday, May 3, 2010

Monday, May 3


Prepare for Socratic Seminar tomorrow. Key questions are below. Also, begin reviewing for the Quest Wednesday 5/5/10 over Chapter 28, which will consist of I.D.'s and one short answer.

Questions for the Socratic Seminar Tomorrow:

  • What happened to the Great Society and the "War on Poverty?" Success? Failure? Why?
  • Were these programs a good idea to begin with? Should gov't have a role in addressing social problems such as poverty?

What identifications just might appear on your Quest (Quiz+Test) over Chapter 28 this Wednesday 5/5/10??

The Election of 1960
The Bay of Pigs
The Cuban Missile Crisis
The Berlin Crisis
The New Frontier
The Warren Commission
The Great Society
The "War on Poverty"
Medicare and Medicaid
The Warren Court

There will also be one short answer question pertaining to Chapter 28.

Reminders: Identifications should be a short paragraph in length. Make sure that you not only tell me all significant information to show your knowledge of an event, but also make a case for why this particular I.D. is significant in a study of U.S. history.

In Class:
For the links to the readings discussed in class today, please see Friday's post.
YouTube links-

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