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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tuesday, January 5

Today in Class:
Yesterday you all got FDR's fireside chat delivered on July 24, 1933, On the First Hundred Days. Your homework yesterday was to do the reading, and today we had an assignment that corresponded with this document:
TASK: Write a letter to the editor either expressing your support for the New Deal or arguing against it, offering support in the form of detailed evidence for whatever position you take.

You also got a new packet, The Second New Deal (this GoogleDoc includes the first New Deal packet too). Some had time to finish the following questions in class, but if not, please complete for homework, using p.221 of the packet:

  1. Why did FDR and his advisors see the need for a Second New Deal?
  2. Compare and contrast the New Deal and the Second New Deal in terms of the goals, methods and actions of each (in paragraph form please).

C PERIOD, We met for long-block today, and you had an extra set of questions corresponding to the Second New Deal packet. Please complete for homework:

  1. Make a list of the main complaints and suggestions of those who felt the New Deal did not do enough.
  2. Look at the criticisms that the New Deal was doing too much. Roosevelt’s opponents were often accused of being selfish. How far do the criticisms support or contradict that view?
  3. What do Sources 13 and 14 suggest about Roosevelt’s New Deal?

Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday, January 10

In Class:
What were the Goals of the New Deal? (using packet p.218-220)
  • On a scrap piece of paper, make a column for each separate goal the reading packet identifies. Then go through each action made during the New Deal and place it under the goal you think it fits under.
C, E and G Periods, HOMEWORK:
As you read, think from the perspective of an American listening to this address in 1933 and trying to understand the changes introduced by the New Deal:
  • What proposals would you have supported?
  • What would you have disagreed with?
  • Do you find FDR effective in explaining the New Deal and gaining support for his initiatives?

B Period Homework: (had time in class to work)
As you read, think from the perspective of an American listening to this address in 1933 and trying to understand the changes introduced by the New Deal:
  • What proposals would you have supported?
  • What would you have disagreed with?
  • Do you find FDR effective in explaining the New Deal and gaining support for his initiatives?
  • TASK: Write a letter to the editor either expressing your support for the New Deal or arguing against it, offering support for whatever position you take.
The Second New Deal (link to GoogleDoc version of the reading packet)
Use p.221 to complete the following questions. Also finish reading the rest of the packet giving you background on opposition to the New Deal.
  1. Why did FDR and his advisors see the need for a Second New Deal?
  2. Compare and contrast the New Deal and the Second New Deal (in paragraph form please):
  • Goals
  • Methods
  • Measures

Friday, January 7, 2011

Friday, January 7

Today in class we watched the American Experience episode on the Civilian Conservation Corps (follow the link to watch if you were absent).
*I also checked hw assigned yesterday, so if you were absent, make sure you show me your assignment to get credit.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Thursday, January 6

Today's PowerPoint: Intro to FDR and the Election of 1932 (material up through FDR's inauguration was covered in class today).

For your viewing pleasure:
PBS News Hour, "Keynes vs. Hayek Background" YouTube, "Fear the Boom and Bust" a Hayek vs. Keynes Rap Anthem

The New Deal Reading Packet Read p.218-220 (first three pages) of this packet, and create and fill out the chart modeled for you at the bottom of p.220, "What was the New Deal of 1933?"

I will check this for completion tomorrow in class.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Wednesday, January 5

Today's PowerPoint: Intro to FDR and the Election of 1932 (material up through Keynes vs. Hayek was covered in class today).

We prolly won't get to these until tomorrow, but just in case:
PBS News Hour, "Keynes vs. Hayek Background"

No homework tonight.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tuesday, January 4

Today in Class we had a reading with questions to answer. If you did not finish during class-time, please complete for homework. If absent, please follow the link (title of article below is link) and answer the questions using the reading.

“Hoover, Roosevelt and the Role of Gov’t” Questions on the Reading: (may be answered in bullet point form, use evidence from the text!)
  1. What does the reading point out that Hoover and Roosevelt agreed upon?
  2. In what ways does the reading describe Hoover as “breaking with the tradition” set by his predecessors? Give some examples.
  3. What reasons did Hoover have for opposing federally funded direct relief for Americans living in poverty?
  4. Outline the differences between Hoover and Roosevelt the reading describes.
  5. What was Roosevelt’s relationship with business during the First New Deal, and how/why did it shift during the Second New Deal?
E Period, we also started the PowerPoint, Intro to FDR and the Election of 1932.