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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tuesday, January 4

Today in Class we had a reading with questions to answer. If you did not finish during class-time, please complete for homework. If absent, please follow the link (title of article below is link) and answer the questions using the reading.

“Hoover, Roosevelt and the Role of Gov’t” Questions on the Reading: (may be answered in bullet point form, use evidence from the text!)
  1. What does the reading point out that Hoover and Roosevelt agreed upon?
  2. In what ways does the reading describe Hoover as “breaking with the tradition” set by his predecessors? Give some examples.
  3. What reasons did Hoover have for opposing federally funded direct relief for Americans living in poverty?
  4. Outline the differences between Hoover and Roosevelt the reading describes.
  5. What was Roosevelt’s relationship with business during the First New Deal, and how/why did it shift during the Second New Deal?
E Period, we also started the PowerPoint, Intro to FDR and the Election of 1932.

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