G Period- We had long block, got through all the below stuff, plus started the American Experience episode about Buffalo Bill! No hw besides studying for Friday's Quiz!
B Period- If you missed today's class, catch yourself up with the below PowerPoint.
C Period- We finished the PowerPoint and did the Zinn reading in class (links below).
E Period- If you were absent today, take a look see at the PowerPoint below and/or get notes from a friend!
In Class Today:
Railroads, Homesteaders and Cowboys....Oh My!! (This PowerPoint is in two parts, cause there were just so many gosh dang pretty pictures)
Reading: (in class)
- There will be a quiz this coming Friday on Westward Expansion. Chapter 13 of your textbook corresponds to what we've been talking about. Use it as a resource if you feel you need some extra background on context. Only materials and topics we've covered in class will be fair game for the quiz though.
- There will also be a notebook check. If you've been taking notes and doing in class work on a laptop, no worries, just please compile this and send it to me (via e-mail, or you can share with me as a GoogleDoc).