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Friday, April 30, 2010

Happy Friday!!


You have two readings which have to do with domestic policy under the Kennedy Administration, and then a second which carries on into LBJ's Administration and the Great Society programs.

Your homework is to actively read and be ready to discuss come Monday (or Tuesday in the case of B period).

In case you were absent/lost your copy, here are the links:

Clips from Class:

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Bah!! Sorry I've been slacking on posts this week due to the fact that I've been feeling rather sickly.

Read and take notes on 28-3 (the last section of this chapter!)

In Class:
We watched and discussed JFK's Inaugural Address (F period, we did this Tuesday) and began discussing the Kennedy Crises:

Links from today:

Monday, April 26, 2010

Monday, April 26

Welcome back from break, I hope you all had an amazing, restful vacay from school. Here is a picture of stray cats from my trip to Puerto Rico, I hope you enjoy it:

Alright, down to business!!

E Period (more hw since I had you long block today)-
Chapter 28-1: Kennedy and the Cold War AND Chapter 28-2: The New Frontier
* I would like to urge you to go beyond simply copying down the Main Idea, Why it Matters Now and Terms and Names and make sure you are taking careful notes from the textbook. For example in Chapter 28-1, although the Bay of Pigs invasion and the Cuban Missile Crisis are not bolded for some reason, they are incredibly important events to know.

B & F Periods-
Chapter 28-1: Kennedy and the Cold War. Please see explanation above.

In Class:
We talked ALLLLL about the Election of 1960, and even saw some handy-dandy video clips. Here's a link to the reading we did in class and the short PowerPoint which had questions relating to the reading:
Video Clips:

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tuesday, April 13

(pssst...this link has an option for you to play the audio file)

In Class:
Today's PowerPoint (in 2 parts, GoogleDocs insisted)

B & E Periods, TEST FRIDAY

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Thursday, April 8

This post will cover all assignments and homework until I see you next!
(B&E Periods- Monday, F Period-Tuesday)

Your Friday In-Class Assignments/Homework are:

1. McCarthyism Political Cartoon and Cartoon Analysis Worksheet
  • (I do not have e-copies of these materials, so please make sure you do not loose the copy given to you in class.)
2. Reading: Senator Joseph McCarthy and Anticommunism(Hi, I'm the link to the article!)
  • Remember, the password for Thomson-Gale is hyan_log.
  • As always, actively read. What this means is that you should identify the key points made in each veiwpoint, and be ready to discuss. I do not believe you could truly have this information at your fingertips with a reading that has not been marked.
3. 26-4
  • Main Point
  • Why it Matters Now
  • Terms and Names
In Class:
We finished the PowerPoint on McCarthyism. Please see yesterday's post for the link.


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Wednesday, April 7


Your homework is to read the article I gave you in class, which is actually a transcript of a story on NPR...thus, you may also listen to the story (follow along and note important points in text). Here's the link to the story:

In Class:
Power Point-

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tuesday, March 6

Oh happy day--no new homework!

We finished the PowerPoint today (please see yesterday's post if you'd like to review it)

Monday, April 5, 2010

Monday, April 5

  • Main Idea
  • Why it Matters Now
  • Terms and Names
Due next class.

In Class:
Today's PowerPoint in 2 parts (GoogleDocs Insisted)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Thursday, April 1


Reading, The Korean War: Was U.S. military intervention in 1950 justified? (hint, hint: need the reading? The title is the link)
Please actively read. If asked, you should be able to identify the main points made in each viewpoint.

In Class:

We watched a sweet video in class on the Berlin Airlift. Because I know you all want to hear some of those British pronunciations and lingo (e.g. nappies), here is the link on YouTube. It's split into five sections, I know you can figure it out...

Have an amazing three day weekend!!