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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tuesday, March 30

There's no new homework today, B & E Periods, be ready to discuss, Origins of the Cold War: Did the Soviet Union Start the Cold War, tomorrow.

Here's a link to the reading if you've misplaced it (I also have some extra copies if needed):

In Class:
Today's PowerPoint (in 2 parts b/c GoogleDocs insisted):

Monday, March 29, 2010

Monday, March 29

This is my 100th post! I will give a lollipop to anyone who congratulates me on this fete tomorrow. This will be my unofficial test of who is reading the blog...

Moving on to more pressing matters...

F Period, be ready to discuss tomorrow!
B & E Periods, Wednesday.

In Class:
PowerPoint we started Today:

Check Your Homework:

Friday, March 26, 2010

Friday, March 26

Back to real life after MCAS week!


Chapter 26-1 and 26-2
  • Main Idea
  • Why it Matters Now
  • Terms and Names


Truman and Domestic Politics- You recieved this reading (ATTENTION: Title is the link.) at the end of class today. Please actively read this short selection, and be ready to kick butt on a short quizlet you will have on it Monday.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Wednesday, March 17- Friday, March 19

Hey! Greetings from NYC.

You'll be in the computer lab the next few days (Wednesday-Friday), doing some more research on WWII before we move on to talking about the Cold War next week.

Directions: Below you'll see two links. These are your assignments for the coming days. The GoogleDocs have the necessary links to answer the questions. Share your completed work with me via GoogleDoc or e-mail!

Work individually and be good please :)

Assignment 1:

Assignment 2:

Did you finish your assignments? You are amazing.

If you have headphones with you, please finish watching America and the Holocaust: Deceit and Indifference. As you may remember, this is in little 10 minute sections on YouTube. I'm providing the link to the first--from there you'll have to follow the links to the section we left off on...

Questions? Concerns?

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Friday, March 12

In-Class Essay Test:
B Period, Monday, 3/15/2010
E and F Periods, Tuesday, 3/16/2010

Prepare your outline for this in-class essay test!
Outline Instructions (same ones as I gave you during class)

Who says we are "fighting for democracy"... well, these guys:

Any readings or PowerPoints used during this unit (with the exception of the Howard Zinn reading I gave you today) can be found as links on the blog!! Use the blog as a study tool.

Thursday, March 11

So yeah, today's post is actually identical to yesterday's, so please direct your attention there...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wednesday, March 10

Reading, The Yalta Agreement--if you lost your copy, or were absent, here's the link:


The Unit Test, which will be an in-class essay, will be Monday, 3/15 for B Period, and Tuesday, 3/16 for E and F Periods!!

The essay prompt will look very much like this:

Evaluate the assertion that with its participation in WWII, the U.S. was "fighting for democracy."

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Tuesday, March 9


Read over the WWII outline I gave you in class.
Misplaced it? Absent Today? Here's the Link:
  • Read thoroughly.
  • Annotate by making note of questions and points of interest in the margins.
  • Be prepared to be actively engaged in class discussion tomorrow!
In Class:
Today in class we discussed the WWII Homefront, by taking a closer look at the 4 specific topics which were investigated yesterday in the computer lab. On the board, I put up the key points from each that you will absolutely need to know. If you were absent today, please make it a point to get these notes from a classmate.

War Production:
Main goal of War Production Board and Office of War Mobilization
Smith-Connaly Act


"Rosie the Riveter"

Civil Rights:
Executive Order 9066
Internment Camps
"Double Victory"
Executive Order 8802
"zoot-suit riot"
Executive Order 9981

(We did not get to Civil Rights in any class yet, so don't worry if this doesn't look familiar yet)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Monday, March 8

Link for Today's Computer Lab Assignment:


Whatever you were unable to finish during computer lab time should be finished as homework!!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Friday, March 5


25-2 and 25-3
  • Main Idea
  • Why it Matters Now
  • Terms and Names

In Class:

Via the whiteboard, we got to see how much information already pops up in your heads when it comes to WWII. Whether this information comes from prior history classes, films such as Saving Private Ryan or stories passed down from family, it was clear we have a lot to build upon during this unit.

I also asked you to think about what comparisons and contrasts you could draw between WWI and WWII. As we build our knowledge base concerning the WWII home front, battle fronts and impacts, I'd like you to continually revisit this question.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Thursday, March 4


25-2 and 25-3
  • Main Idea
  • Why it Matters Now
  • Terms and Names

Check Yesterday's Homework:

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Wednesday, March 3


  • Main Idea
  • Why it Matters Now
  • Terms and Names

Quiz on Chapter 24, if you were absent please contact me to figure out a good time to take this. Shouldn't take longer than 10-20 minutes.

We inched closer to Pearl Harbor (B Period, we actually got there!)
PowerPoints used in class today:

Monday, March 1, 2010

Monday, March 1


Study for Quiz over Chapter 24 on Wednesday!

The massive reading packet and accompanying Study Guides that were homework over break, all class PowerPoints/video clips and Chapter 24 of the textbook are fair game.

Quiz will be in multiple choice format. I am thinking 20-30 questions in length, but don't quote me on it.

In Class:
B Period-

F Period-

Check your Homework:

To see the supplementary film clips included during lecture, please refer to Friday's post!!