My holiday gift to you is no homework over break. Enjoy and have a wonderful, safe vacation!
Hope you enjoyed the Penguin-themed humorous picture.
This site is for my 10th grade history classes at Sturgis Public Charter School croselanderginn@sturgischarterschool.org
Today in class we started with some discussion/work with the packet:
We also watched the first 20 minutes of American Experience: Surviving the Dust Bowl.
G Period, we began the PowerPoint, Hoover and Hard Times.
*No homework*
HOMEWORK: Read 213-215 of the packet I gave you today in class (also a link to it above). Use the text and sources to answer the following questions in your notes.
I'll check your notes in class Friday.
No homework for B, C and G periods
E Period: We had long block today and got to finish the film.
HOMEWORK: Read 213-215 of the packet I gave you today in class (also a link to it above). Use the text and sources to answer the following questions in your notes.
I'll check your notes in class Friday.
Homework: Today in class, you got a reading and had questions to answer that went along with it. Whatever you were not able to finish during class is homework. If you were absent, you'll find a link to the reading below and the questions you'll need to have answered. Due next class.
Questions: The Great Migration (Attention: the title is the link to the reading)
Please answer on a separate piece of notebook paper!!
Great website on the Great Migration!
1. What was President Wilson’s initial stance toward U.S. involvement in the war?
2. Why was it difficult to maintain neutrality?
3. After the Lusitania sank, two groups of people criticized President Wilson’s actions. Who were they, and what problems did they see with his actions?
4. What two actions did Germany take which led Wilson to declare war?
In Class Today:
Days That Shook the World: The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Fact Sheet: Fact Sheet on the Armenian Genocide
PBS: The Great War (Amazing resource if you'd like to learn more! We covered "Chapters 1 and 2" with readings in class today.
Reading, Part I: The Scourge of War
In Class Assignment: (complete if you were absent, using the above reading)
Part I: The Scourge of War READ p. 2-4 (stop at America’s Neutrality) AND RESPOND TO THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS
1. What are the three main causes of the war identified by the reading?
Take notes and explain each of these main causes.
2. What is nationalism? In what ways did nationalism encourage conflict?
3. What event led immediately to the start of WWI? Why did the major powers of Europe all get involved so quickly?
4. Describe the first months of the war.
G Period (we had long block today!):
Homework: America’s Neutrality READ p.4-9 and RESPOND TO THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS
1. What was President Wilson’s initial stance toward U.S. involvement in the war?
2. Why was it difficult to maintain neutrality?
3. After the Lusitania sank, two groups of people criticized President Wilson’s actions. Who were they, and what problems did they see with his actions?
4. What two actions did Germany take which led Wilson to declare war?
Causes of WWI, Background ppt (GoogleDocs is being very difficult right now, but this will be added later!)
The most awesome video clip EVER!!!:
Days That Shook the World: The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Fact Sheet: Fact Sheet on the Armenian Genocide
PBS: The Great War (Amazing resource if you'd like to learn more! We covered "Chapters 1 and 2" with readings in class today.
Bonus: (not necessarily from the reading) What connections between the Populist and Progressive movements can you identify?
Bonus: (not necessarily from the reading) What connections between the Populist and Progressive movements can you identify?